Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trendy Tuesday -- Tribal

I'm not much of a "pattern" kind of person, but I am digging this tribal print! I put together a couple tribal items that I thought were cute and affordable! :) I'd wear everything i listed.

WhoWhatWear has put out a trend report on "Techno Tribal." I love the mix of neon/bright colors with tribal. It's definitely a bold statement to rock this trend. I'd wear Heidi Klum's dress any day! lol
I love this trend but I wouldn't be a daredevil enough to rock these Jeffrey Campbell's Tribal Tick Wedge ($164). They are a little out of the box when it comes to tribal especially with those towering studded wedge! Yikes! Would you rock this tribal trend? and even DARE to wear these Jeffrey Campbell's ???
We would love to know!!

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